What is my hair porosity? Hair porosity explained

Zara Inuwa
What is my hair porosity? Hair porosity explained
When we talk about hair porosity, we mean how well your hair is able to absorb and hold moisture. The outer layer of the hair called the cuticle, determines how well the hair is able retain moisture, and how well oil can pass through the hair shaft. Hair porosity is usually a genetic factor, however hair porosity can change due to factors such as heat damage, chemical damage, hair styling and environmental damage. The hair will either be low, medium or high porosity.


Low Prosperity:

If the hair has low porosity this means that the hair cuticle does not allow moisture and oil to penetrate the hair shaft easily. The cuticles are often tightly closed together or overlap each other, making it very difficult for any moisture to penetrate the hair shaft. The hair products are most likely going to coat or sit on the hair, instead of penetrating the hair shaft. Having low porosity hair can also make it difficult for water to be absorbed into the hair. The hair can take a lot longer to soak up the water, when wet and also takes longer to dry on wash day. Due to these reasons, this hair type can be sometimes difficult to manage and style.

Low porosity hair needs lighter products, with lighter ingredients, or less product needs to be used on the hair. Placing too much product on low porosity hair or a product with the wrong formulation, can make it very difficult for the product to penetrate the hair shaft, this can also weigh the hair down. It is important to find the right products for your hair type, with the right ingredients. It is also important to keep the hair moisturised by using a deep conditioning mask 2-3 times per month. Oiling the hair with light oils can keep the hair in a good condition. When oiling or using a mask, it can be helpful to use a steamer or heated cap if you have low porosity hair, this will help the product to penetrate the hair shaft. Protein treatments should only be used about once every six weeks, as too much protein can cause protein overload. Protein overload can end up causing more damage than good. All of Curls N lengths product range can be used on low porosity hair, and works very well on low porosity hair. The idea is to use a smaller amount of product, which can penetrate the hair shaft.

Medium Porosity:

Medium hair porosity is the ideal hair type, as the hair cuticles are not as tight as low porosity hair, but not as open as high porosity hair, so this type of hair can be the easiest hair to manage. The ideal amount of hair product and moisture can penetrate the hair shaft. Products and ingredients that are not too heavy, that will weigh the hair down are ideal for medium porosity hair, however depending on your preference of the finishing look of your hair, will depend on the product that you find best suits you and your style.

It is important to keep medium porosity hair moisturised by oiling the hair at least 2-3 times per week or using a deep conditioning mask about 4 times per month. Using too much protein on this kind of hair can cause protein overload and damage. Protein treatments should only be used about once a month to maintain good hair care. All of Curls N lengths product range can be used on medium porosity hair, and works very well on this hair type.


High Porosity Hair:

High porosity is when the cuticles are very far apart, the opposite of low porosity hair, so moisture will penetrate the hair shaft very easily and quickly. High porosity hair can be genetic, but can also be caused by factors such as, too much heat on the hair, such as straitening, hair dryer and hot water. Hair bleaching, hair colouring, styling and other chemical hair processes can also lead to high porosity hair. These factors can damage the hair cuticles causing them to separate. This can cause the hair to absorb product, water and moisture very quickly. Hair can also tend to become dry very easily, often looks frizzy, tangles easily, prone to breakage and when wet, dries very quickly. Products and ingredients that can lock in a lot of moisture are ideal for high porosity hair. It is good to often do deep conditioning treatments on high porosity. Curls N lengths, Mint and Cocoa Ayurvedic hair mask and repair oil, are excellent for high porosity hair, as they deep condition, plus lock moisture into the hair strands. Protein treatments should be used about once a month on high porosity hair to maintain good hair care.

This is a guide to help you determine which hair porosity type you have and to help you understand what kind of products and treatments may be ideal for you, however what works for one person may not work for another. People will have their own preferences on how they want their hair to look and feel. Some people may want their hair to appear more fly away or slightly frizzy, whilst others prefer the extremely moisturised look. It is important to find what product works best for you.



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